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Kernel Panic #43: Special 10-Year Anniversary edition

  • Studio LOOS 20B De Constant Rebecqueplein Den Haag, ZH, 2518 RA Netherlands (map)

An extra 5-act packed evening to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Kernel Panic!

  • Duel Protocol (GR/LT)

  • Gökay Atabek (TR)

  • Inge Hoonte (NL)

  • Spoelstra (NL)

  • Suzana Lașcu (RO)

Duel Protocol (GR/LT)

Duel Protocol are Aurimas Bavarskis and Yiannis Tsirikoglou. Once they were sonology students, but then life took over. They performed at Kernel Panic #2, now 10 years ago, but agreed to join forces one more time at this special edition.

Duel Protocol explores the limits of digital sound, perceptualization of systems to an aural/visual experience and human interaction, particularly interested in non standard ways of sound synthesis and light/sound feedback systems among others. They use only their own developed software for live performances.

Gökay Atabek (TR)

Gökay Atabek is a media artist and musician, originally from Istanbul, based in The Hague. Information is sparse about this energetic artist. Here are a few quotes from the wide web.

V2: “an artist and researcher who, albeit unwillingly, has been appointed the representee, accountant, webmaster, and production manager of Vølksamt! - a de-facto art collective that deals with intermedia art. (...) As a performer, poet, composer, her work, mostly chamber in size, strives to address all that permeates culture. Therefore, she has been initiated in the transdisciplinarity of performative practices and would be curios to further explore it through collaboration and research.”

Stichting Interfaculty: “He broke 4 ribs over the years during numerous performances”.

Inge Hoonte (NL)

Inge Hoonte works across writing, performance, video, sound and public projects, to orchestrate and document how privacy, identity, and behavioral routines shape the tension between reaching out and keeping one's distance in interpersonal communication and physicality. She has an MA in Networked Media from the Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, and an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Spoelstra (NL)

“If it cannot go wrong, it is not exciting.”

Spoelstra calls his music ‘extreme songwriting’. Far fetched mutations of noise rock, math, avant-garde, electro and country. What Spoelstra makes live on the spot, as one man using a guitar, a synthesizer, samplers and effects, is radical in many ways and certainly a menace for the average dancefloor.

Suzana Lașcu (RO)

Recording artist specialized in producing & curating sonic content. 15 years were dedicated to her formalized music education in the Netherlands and Romania. She graduated from her bachelor studies at Prins Claus Conservatorium and completed a master research paper in jazz improvisation at Codarts University. Invested in the inventive aspect of music, she variably switches hats as a curator, conductor, radiophonist or songwriter for projects other than her own, in search for collaborative music making. In 2021, she started broadcasting her most recent works on Radio WORM, in Rotterdam, her show being called DöRöT’s undulating frescoes.

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