Peter van Bergen Presents

with the Artists

and guest curator Farzaneh Nouri

and through the Cooperation of the



2nd Annual

The Hague International Sound Art Festival

Arsis vs Thesis

October 19 & 20, 2024

20:00 – 23:00

The 2nd Annual Hague International Sound Art Festival invites audiences to explore the captivating contrasts of sound through the theme "Arsis vs Thesis."

The concept delves into extreme opposites, like fast versus slow, high versus low, and heavy versus light, using sound as a powerful medium for expression.

The festival brings together these stark dichotomies to craft a sonic experience that challenges perceptions and invites reflection. Audiences will witness performances that transition from serious to cheerful, from short bursts to elongated compositions, highlighting the dynamic range of sound art.

It’s a celebration of contrast, where boundaries blur, and sound shapes meaning in profound, unexpected ways.


LOOS Foundation and Zaal 3 offer the ideal environment for sound experimentation and artistic exploration. LOOS’ innovative approach, combining traditional instruments with cutting-edge technology, makes them a leader in sound art, perfectly aligned with the festival’s theme of contrast. Meanwhile, Zaal 3’s commitment to supporting emerging talent and cross-disciplinary work creates a vibrant platform for sound artists to push boundaries. Together, they form a dynamic partnership, enriching The Hague’s artistic landscape.

What Is Sound Art?

Sound art is a diverse and interdisciplinary form of art that primarily utilizes sound, acoustics, and auditory elements as its medium of expression. It breaks away from traditional notions of music by emphasizing the artistic and aesthetic qualities of sound itself, rather than focusing solely on melody, harmony, or rhythm. Sound artists often work with various sonic elements, including field recordings, found sounds, electronic synthesis, spoken word, and more, to create immersive and thought-provoking experiences.

Event Schedule

The event schedule and program is to be announced.

Stay tuned.

The Artists

Initial list of artists

19th of October:

Paul Koek

Gerard Bouwhuis

Patricio Wang

Cristiano Melli

Wim T Schippers

Titus Muizelaar

Ibelisse Guardia Ferragutti

Peter van Bergen

20th of October:

Agita Reke

Ji Youn Kang

Bjarni Gunnarsson

Panic Screen

Stay tuned for the entire list.

LOOS is both a performers’ lab and a foundation known as the LOOS foundation. It explores innovative performing techniques, bridging traditional instruments with cutting-edge technology.

These disciplines are subject to separate or combined exploration, both in relation to production and presentation, emphasizing reflection on practice and aesthetic expression as a whole.

Studio LOOS, established in 2005, serves as a hub for experimental music and artistic research in The Hague, The Netherlands.


LOOS Foundation activities are made bpossible with the support by De Gemeente Den Haag.

Zaal 3 is the smallest and most surprising theatre of Het Nationale Theater, situated right next to Studio LOOS, the DCR studio's and art space Nest. Zaal 3 is a laboratory for new makers and talent development, offering a safe space for both artists and the audience to freely explore and come to new insights.

The focus is on theatre and performance, with crossovers to visual arts, music, poetry and philosophy. Recurring highlights are projects from the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities. November 2023 will mark the 10 year anniversary of Zaal 3!



© LOOS Den Haag | Designed By Anele