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RCC #XXX with Abel Fazekas and Gökay Atabek

A festive RCC this Saturday 2nd of June! With the 30th (!) edition since its creation as well as it being the last one before the summer holidays, we invite you for a special treat! After the presentations we will have a collective culinary improvisation!


Abel Fazekas - 'Unapologetically B A D music' 

- Break -

Gökay Atabek - 'Consumer electronics and powertools sequencer'

- Break -

The world - 'Culinary Free Improvisation'

This will involve everyone! A special dinner. No pre-determined menu. The food will be the result of the collective spontaneous creative effort. 

3 rules to follow: 

1) Each person brings 2 ingredients (rice, pasta, veggies, spices, oil, chocolate, honey, butter etc.).

2) Each person gets 3 minutes in the kitchen and do as they wish.

3) It is forbidden to discuss what's going on in the kitchen.

The dinner should be VEGETARIAN!!!!!!

May 12

RCC #XXIX with Emil Tan Erten and Ivan Babinchak Renqvist

October 20

RCC #XXXI with Daniil Pilchen and Abel Fazekas