Day 3 - Luca Tornato Serafini

Luca Tornato Serafini - research blog

Day 3 at Loos.

IMG_0033 eyes.JPG

I wonder what these eyes have seen - a glossy glass glare overwatching a corner of a late night liquor store, a house entrance or a bank. These cctv (Closed Circuit TV) cameras, purchased from the internet and kringloop winkels all might’ve had their tense moments of catching apparitions, the observer in a black hat and trench coat or sketchy deals: always monitoring.


Now, they are repurposed with a rather introspective task: to amplify the noise built within their very own gut-electronics. And what was once a burden filtered out many times with consumer video enhancer circuits is now left there in the piece to pop out.


At Loos, I connect the BNC cables to test if the cameras are working. CCTV#1 points to me, connects to TV1 (17-inch); CCTV#2 points to TV1, connects to TV2 (17-inch); CCTV#3 points to TV2, connects to TV3 (21-inch), right in front of me. The results are as grainy as rough sandpaper, the whites are a big flare in the rasterspace, the electron guns sing ultra-soprano as they scan the screen.

Success! All of them work perfectly. I still have to come up with a way to put the CRTs in the exhibition space with some sort of stand. Additionally, nexts weeks I will be experimenting with the print which will be hung in front of CCTV#1 and different points of view.


Day 4 - Luca Tornato Serafini


Day 2 - Luca Tornato Serafini